Se casó la mujer más celosa del mundo

es que "ella lo vale", porque está oprimida por un "heteropatriarcado falócrata misógino machirulo opresor"..

hay que estar muy ciego para quedarse con eso.. será que el tal Steve no se ha paseado por alguna calle de los países del Este..

Se casó la mujer más celosa del mundo

Debbi Wood, conocida como "la mujer más celosa del mundo", se casó con Steve Wood al que somete al detector de mentiras cada vez que regresa a casa, revisa sus mails y sus cuentas bancarias.

La pareja comenzó a salir en 2011 y Steve asegura que, "aunque ha sido difícil vivir con ella, vale la pena".


Guy Goes To Mexico To Kill Himself, Spends Week Doing Coke And Banging Hookers, Decides To Keep Living

"I decide life wasn’t so bad after all"..

Guy Goes To Mexico To Kill Himself, Spends Week Doing Coke And Banging Hookers, Decides To Keep Living

Went to Mexico to buy barbiturates for a humane and peaceful death.

Decided that if I was gonna die anyway I might as well fuck a prostitute before it was all over. After that a cab driver offered to sell me cocaine. One thing lead to another, and I got a room above a whore house equipped with a heart shaped bed, a stripper pole, and a hot tub.

Spent a full week snorting coke off tits, popping pain meds, drinking tequila, eating handfuls of Viagra to fight the whiskey/coke dick, and had three FFM threesomes.

Somewhere in the midst of my coke-fueled orgy I decide life wasn’t so bad after all.